Vision Statement of the Holy Trinity Catholic Church
We acknowledge God as our creator and, as disciples of Jesus Christ, are a Catholic community of faith and prayer. We aspire to respond to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the celebration of the Eucharist, as we proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in worship, service, and in our teachings.
Mission Statement
As members of the Holy Trinity Parish, we shall present a Christian example to one another and to those outside the Catholic community. Empowered by our faith and our baptismal promise, we shall strive to follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through our faith in the Lord, we accept the uncertainty and challenges of the future and will secure our Catholic heritage by building strong community bonds and by accepting stewardship of our parish. We shall herald our stewardship by exercising a greater involvement in parish leadership, communications, ministries, and by serving our community as disciples of Jesus Christ. Through liturgy and the Gospel, we shall reach out to the community-at-large in an evangelical spirit to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. We shall provide assistance and guidance in the spiritual fulfillment, faith formation and education of our Catholic community through service to our Lord, the parish, and the community-at-large.