Holy Trinity offers many opportunities for adult parishioners (high school and older) to explore the beauty, goodness, and truth of the Catholic Faith as disclosed by God’s Divine Revelation and guided by the Magisterium. Whether you’re a life-long Catholic looking to more deeply understand your Faith, a recent convert eager to learn more, or an inquirer seeking basic information, you’ll find timely topics that will interest, inform, inspire, and challenge you.
Our Adult Catholic Studies are a combination of presentations and videos, with ample time for Q&A and discussion. Some of our sessions might have assignments for reading and reflection to deepen your knowledge and love for our Catholic faith.
There is no charge for the classes; however, some topics have associated workbooks and supplemental reading. These materials will help you derive a deeper understanding, but they are not required. You can order them online or through your local Catholic bookstores.
The classes we plan to offer this year are presented below. You may click the image to download it. Please check the bulletin board or the weekly bulletin for the class schedule. For more information, please contact Phil and Connie Pratt through the parish office at htparishoffice@holytrinitycos.org.