Confirmation at Holy Trinity is a program through which those youth baptized as Catholics learn to discover and articulate God's presence in their lives. This journey will celebrate a young person's faith and their response to God's call to become full, participating members of the Catholic Church. Each candidate must be baptized and a two-year course of instruction for youth beginning in 7th grade to receive Confirmation at the end of 8th grade. Those in high school who have not yet been confirmed are welcome as well. (Confirmation typically takes place during the Easter Season). Along with the monthly meetings, each youth must attend at least one entire youth retreat during the year of preparation, as well as fulfilling the community service requirements. To begin the process, candidates are required to have been involved in the religious education program the year prior and during the year in which they wish to receive the Sacrament. Contact the parish office to begin the process.
Adults who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are invited to prepare to receive this Sacrament through participation in the RCIA program. Contact the RCIA Coordinator or the parish office for more details.