Goal: To promote stewardship as a way of life among all within the Diocese of Colorado Springs.
Holy Trinity seeks to cultivate and promote the social and spiritual life of our community in a welcoming and nurturing environment by sharing our God-given gifts of time, talent and treasure as a Way of Life.
Leader: Susan Pavlica
Meets the 2nd Thursday, every other month at 5:00 pm in Hope House
We invite all parishioners to attend and to learn more about our many ministries. Come and explore how you can use your particular gifts in service to our Lord and to our neighbors.
In his book Resisting Happiness, Matthew Kelly says, “God gave you your particular mix of talents and abilities because they match up with the mission he has in mind for you.” Take a giant leap toward fulfilling your mission by volunteering with a ministry at Holy Trinity.
There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord." 1 Cor. 12:4-5