Celebration of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion should be an integral part of the religious formation of every child; these Sacraments will become an on-going part of the lifelong process of conversion. Parents have the first and most important influence on the faith development of their child, as they are the primary educators and have an intimate role in the formation of their child's moral conscience . Thus, the best and most fruitful catechesis for the first reception of these Sacraments involves the parents.
While there is no "automatic" age or grade level for reception of the Sacraments, you'll know when you and your child are ready. The normal time for a child to be catechized and receive these Sacraments for the first time is in the fall and winter seasons of second grade (or at age seven). Preparation for these two Sacraments is separate and in addition to the Religious Education Program offered on Sunday mornings.
Discernment of Readiness
- The child should understand that sin is a bad moral choice, which hurts one's relationship with God, themselves, and others; they should be sorry for their sins and should try not to sin again.
- The child should clearly understand that only God forgives sin
- The child should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the difference between the consecrated bread and wine (the Body and Blood of Christ) and ordinary bread and wine.
If you have any questions or concerns about the First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion process, please contact the parish office.
Prerequisites for Candidacy
Listed below are the diocesan prerequisites for candidacy for your child to receive these sacraments:
- At least one parent should be a practicing, active member of Holy Trinity.
- Parent must provide a copy of the child's baptismal certificate (if baptized in another parish).
- The child must have attained the age of seven and/or use of reason.
- Parent and child are expected to participate in Sunday Mass every week.
- The child must have completed the previous year of formal religious education in a Catholic school, the parish program, or in their previous parish.
- The child must be currently participating in a program of systematic, approved catechesis, either in a Catholic school or as a registered student of the parish program.
- At the same time, the child must also be enrolled in the parish process of preparation for the sacrament, in which children from the Catholic school and the parish religious education program are united.
- To begin preparation for receiving his or her First Holy Communion, the child must first have received the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Preparation for each sacrament involves two mandatory parent sessions and a morning retreat for the family. In addition to these sessions, each child will receive the sacramental texts for the parents to complete with their child at home. This catechesis includes the Church's rich teachings of each Sacrament and is designed to deepen the parents' understanding and love of the Sacrament, as well as to help the child to grow morally.
If you have any questions or concerns about the First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion process, please contact the parish office.