For any child younger than seven years old, parents and godparents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class prior to scheduling their child's Baptism. Parents may attend classes prior to the birth of their child. Parents and/or godparents may attend a baptismal preparation class at any other parish of their choice (verification will be required). Infant Baptism celebrates the saving faith already transforming the lives of the parents and the community--a faith that will be shared, by word and by example, with the newly baptized infants as they grow into responsible young adults. This program is designed to deepen the parents' personal faith, so they can assist the fruits of the Sacrament to come to realization as the child matures. Families learn about the Sacrament of Baptism, including its history, symbols and scriptural background.
Selecting a qualified Godparent is very important. The church expects that at least one parent and one godparent will be practicing, active members of a Catholic parish community. Godparents will need to present a letter from their pastor attesting that they are a practicing, confirmed Catholic, over the age of sixteen, as well as copies of their Baptism Certificate showing Confirmation and no bounds by any canonical penalty.
Godparent Requirements According to Church Law (ec.874)
- You may have two Godparents but only one is required in the Diocese of Colorado Springs. He/she must be at least 16 years old. If there are two Godparents, one must be male and one must be female. If a sponsor is of another faith or has not received Confirmation, they may act as a Christian witness.
- The Godparent must be a fully initiated Catholic Christian. This means that he/she is baptized, receives Eucharist, is confirmed and has no bounds by any canonical penalty. This means that if married, he/she was married in the Church, and if no longer married, the marriage has been annulled or they have not remarried. Catholics married outside the Church, Catholics who choose to cohabitate outside of the Sacrament of Marriage or those who have remarried without an annulment are not permitted to be Godparents.
- The Godparent must be practicing the Catholic faith. This means they are regularly attending and participating at Masses and should be registered at a Catholic parish. If the selected Godparent cannot be present at the time of Baptism, a proxy (relative or friend) may be invited to stand in for them during the Baptism.
The parents should be registered members of Holy Trinity or at the parish they plan to attend with their newly baptized child. If they are members of another parish seeking Baptism at Holy Trinity, a letter will be required from their parish and signed by their pastor granting permission for the Baptism to be held at Holy Trinity.
Baptism classes are by appointment as needed. Please call (719) 633-2132 to register.